

world citizen

EVIDENCE – World Citizen Solutions Financial/Subversion Report (Part 2)

Written by Ken O'Keefe (September 25, 2016) NOTE: If you read this document fully and view the EXHIBITS, images and videos in order, the verifiable evidence within establishes that Max Igan, William Genske, Susanne Pietz, Samantha Bachman and Richie Allen... Continue Reading →

Evidence – Ken Fleeing to “No Extradition Treaty” Dominica is a Knowing Lie

Aloha, What follows is just one more step in the process of exposing the fact that Max Igan and Richie Allen are colluding in monumental lies so as to harm or destroy my integrity and by default kill the World... Continue Reading →

An Actual Interview!

For those that watch Press TV you will know that I continue to do regular, proper interviews with them, that being said, I will do an actual interview with legitimate independent media today (Monday, September 19, between 1-2 am (London... Continue Reading →

EVIDENCE – World Citizen Solutions Financial Report (Part 1)

This report has been written primarily with the donors and supporters of the World Citizen Solutions Mission in mind and shall include all of the topics in the Syllabus at the bottom of this post. This task is however more... Continue Reading →

Merry Chistmas

While I consider Christmas to be a most commercialised and materialistic manipulation for the vast majority of people, there is in this time an idea of helping others, and when that becomes primary and the materialistic crap becomes irrelevant then we know we are nearly there as a people. Anyway, I wish everyone all the best during this Christmas and New Year.

Former US Marine: President Obama should be tried for treason

I am confident that at some point the American patriots, who seem to be in a bit of a coma and have been sleeping for a long time, are going to wake up soon and realize that when they took an oath to uphold the Constitution of the US, the president of the US also took that oath and has breached it so badly that he should be arrested and charged with treason right now – and ultimately all of the sycophants of the US Congress who pass things like the Patriot Act and the NDAA, again, completely a contrary to the US constitution, which is supposed to be the supreme law of the land. These people need to be arrested, and a government needs to be put in place that actually honors the US Constitution, and I honestly believe that’s going to happen, one way or another.

Ken O’Keefe in Tehran – “Iran is not the threat, we are.” – American Patriots Rise

It is time to stop being chumps, it is time to actually give some meaning to the word patriot. It is especially time for those in the police, military and government who took an oath to uphold the Constitution to honor that commitment. Are you a person of honor? Or are you a fraudster? A coward?

Trade Not Aid Update – November 6, 2012 – UK Judge Orders Return of Stolen Vehicles & Property

Today was the final hearing for the case against the Trade Not Aid hijackers Cate (Catherine) Myles (aka Soraya Fitzgerald) and Sammi Coulthard (aka Saja Rana & Maitreyi Atmaja).  It cost over £600 in court fees, money that should have gone directly into the cause.  It took countless hours of work collecting evidence to establish the crime, something I wish I could have avoided.  But today District Judge Evans actually infused just a bit of honour into the embarrassingly corrupt UK system… a system so blatantly servile to Israel/Rothschildland.  Today Judge Evans ordered that the stolen 18-ton Renault truck and Metrorider Minibus, along with all donated goods onboard are to be returned to Aloha Palestine CIC & Samouni Project within 28 days.

Max Igan & Ken O’Keefe in Gaza – False Flags & America’s ‘National Interest’ – September 2012

I think this is going to be one of people's favorite videos as it is genuinely funny and yet very serious. Max Igan and myself get into this one by showing a sycophantic Patrick Clawson of the Washington Institute for Near East spouting some truly incredible historical narrative. This useful idiot lays out the catalogue of US false flags and manipulations that have resulted in America’s perpetual state of war. After reviewing Clawson's entire two-minute clip we then break it down piece by piece in a humorous way, after which we take a serious look at what this all means. Specifically, the ever-present threat of World War III and nuclear annihilation.

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