


20 Hours Until End of Crowd Funding Campaign

My sincerest thanks - While I have not reached the target goal with just 20 hours left, I want to thank everyone who has shared and supported my crowdfunding campaign. Believe me when I say that I know I am blessed to have the kind of support that translates to good people shelling out what they can to help me do what I do. In a way I really do work for you, most of the last many years this work has been unpaid and yet I am grateful to have done what my heart required me to do. If I can I will continue to do this but now I must find a way to pay bills as well.

Appeal for Support to Keep Middle East Show on Air

Here are some subjects already partially recorded or in the works, soon to be aired; 1) the USS Liberty 2) 9/11 3) War crimes & treason charges so as to purge the traitors among us.

Egyptian Blockade of Gaza, Israeli Trade for West Bank

This is simply amazing, the border that Israel controls 100%, the border between Jordan and the West Bank, is now open for the very first time... for TRADE! Yet, the border controlled by the 'Muslim Brotherhood', the border between Gaza and Egypt, remains virtually closed to trade.

Words from an Honest, Intelligent & Compassionate Jew – Rich Siegel

Words from an honest, intelligent and compassionate Jew... words from a respected brother with a hugely important message that should be heeded by every single Jew on this planet.

Trade Not Aid Update – November 6, 2012 – UK Judge Orders Return of Stolen Vehicles & Property

Today was the final hearing for the case against the Trade Not Aid hijackers Cate (Catherine) Myles (aka Soraya Fitzgerald) and Sammi Coulthard (aka Saja Rana & Maitreyi Atmaja).  It cost over £600 in court fees, money that should have gone directly into the cause.  It took countless hours of work collecting evidence to establish the crime, something I wish I could have avoided.  But today District Judge Evans actually infused just a bit of honour into the embarrassingly corrupt UK system… a system so blatantly servile to Israel/Rothschildland.  Today Judge Evans ordered that the stolen 18-ton Renault truck and Metrorider Minibus, along with all donated goods onboard are to be returned to Aloha Palestine CIC & Samouni Project within 28 days.

Transcript & Video – Update from Ken O’Keefe in Gaza Trade Not Aid/Samouni Project – Oct 2012

Catherine Myles, I have found the funds for you to come to Gaza. We will pay for you to go to Gaza. I will pay for your tickets from the UK to Cairo and then your taxi fare to Gaza and your accommodation in Gaza and your return taxi fare back Cairo, back to the UK. You have a paid, PAID trip to Gaza. You come down to Gaza and all those things that you have said about me, everything you have said about me. I am a white supremacist, I am a Nazi, I am a fraudster. My wife is worse than me. My children are illegitimate.

Max Igan & Ken O’Keefe in Gaza – False Flags & America’s ‘National Interest’ – September 2012

I think this is going to be one of people's favorite videos as it is genuinely funny and yet very serious. Max Igan and myself get into this one by showing a sycophantic Patrick Clawson of the Washington Institute for Near East spouting some truly incredible historical narrative. This useful idiot lays out the catalogue of US false flags and manipulations that have resulted in America’s perpetual state of war. After reviewing Clawson's entire two-minute clip we then break it down piece by piece in a humorous way, after which we take a serious look at what this all means. Specifically, the ever-present threat of World War III and nuclear annihilation.

Max Igan & Ken O’Keefe Freestyle on Gaza Rooftop – September 2012

Max Igan & Ken O'Keefe Freestyle on Gaza Rooftop

Back in Gaza with Max Igan & the Samouni Family

It is ironic how unplanned events often impact your life far more than those that are planned. Before you know it you are taken down a path of which the universe, God, some unknowable force is clearly in charge, we become but a passenger. Meeting the Samouni family has been like that, it has caused a chain reaction of events that has dominated my life for the last 18 months. In that time I have known the greatest of joy, the joy of receiving a child’s smile upon your return for instance. I cannot guess at the amount of smiles reciprocated with the Samouni kids and yet the joy it produces never diminishes.

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