

Gaza blockade

Egyptian Blockade of Gaza, Israeli Trade for West Bank

This is simply amazing, the border that Israel controls 100%, the border between Jordan and the West Bank, is now open for the very first time... for TRADE! Yet, the border controlled by the 'Muslim Brotherhood', the border between Gaza and Egypt, remains virtually closed to trade.

Words from an Honest, Intelligent & Compassionate Jew – Rich Siegel

Words from an honest, intelligent and compassionate Jew... words from a respected brother with a hugely important message that should be heeded by every single Jew on this planet.

Trade Not Aid Update – November 6, 2012 – UK Judge Orders Return of Stolen Vehicles & Property

Today was the final hearing for the case against the Trade Not Aid hijackers Cate (Catherine) Myles (aka Soraya Fitzgerald) and Sammi Coulthard (aka Saja Rana & Maitreyi Atmaja).  It cost over £600 in court fees, money that should have gone directly into the cause.  It took countless hours of work collecting evidence to establish the crime, something I wish I could have avoided.  But today District Judge Evans actually infused just a bit of honour into the embarrassingly corrupt UK system… a system so blatantly servile to Israel/Rothschildland.  Today Judge Evans ordered that the stolen 18-ton Renault truck and Metrorider Minibus, along with all donated goods onboard are to be returned to Aloha Palestine CIC & Samouni Project within 28 days.

Coming soon – ‘The Age of Responsibility’

'The Age of Responsibility' At what point do we as people take responsibility for the actions of the governments we outnumber tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands to one? At what point do we take responsibility for the governments we pay our blood money to in the form of taxes? At what point do we as people stop making excuses and accept the fact that we are complicit if not active participants in the crimes of our governments?

Enemies Within the Gate – Police Corruption – Infiltration & Subversion – Trade Not Aid

Police Aiding & Abetting in the Theft of Trade Not Aid Vehicles, Donated Goods & Money Moving on, in August of last year I made a complaint to the police about the Trade Not Aid vehicles (18-ton Renault Truck Reg. #V97 DBA & Optare Metrorider Minibus Reg. # P420 VRG) being stolen by Catherine Myles, Jez Cuthbert, Cath Jenkins and Saeb Shaath. All communications and evidence required to establish lawful ownership of these vehicles was of course provided to DC Paul Harry. Once again, here is the correspondence that proves this claim. As a cover to avoid returning the clearly stolen property DC Harry arrested me on the bogus fraud charges on November 2, 2011. His superiors also directed him to drag out the investigation as long as possible so a date of April 2, 2012 (5 months later) was set to either bring charges against me (which was never going to happen) or conclude ‘no further action’. Well I waited these sickeningly long five months, thinking that at the end of these five months surely they will be forced to return the stolen vehicles. Well I was wrong.

Thought Police within the so-called ‘Palestine Solidarity Movement’

I depart by saying that any group of people, whether it is the disciples of Hitler, the Christian Zionists of America or the Jewish supporters of Israel, or the brainwashed false Muslims, I say loud and clear, any group that believes they are “chosen” by God and thus superior to anyone else, is an enemy of all humanity. Combine this sort of supremacist ideology with the power of America and Israel and we have a recipe for the end of the world. The stakes could not be any higher, and you, my poor, poor minions, are on the wrong side of history. You are not the friends of Palestine or justice, you are the guardians of tyranny whether you know it or not.

No Fly Zone Over Palestine

As Israel once again flexes its psychopathic tendencies, I feel the need to expose the hypocrisy of the west once more in the form of a picture.

The Criminal UK Police Looking to Arrest Me for ‘Incitement to Racism’ – Welcome to Orwell’s 1984

The mass murdering criminal UK Government and its equally corrupt police, the ones who are happy to protect Israeli war criminals in the UK by destroying universal jurisdiction. The same UK that is home to the worlds biggest fraudsters and financial terrorists, otherwise known as the banksters. This same UK Police that falsely arrested me on bogus 'fraud' non-charges so it could steal my property and support the criminals who have attempted to destroy the much needed Trade Not Aid Mission. This pathetic and corrupt government and all of its other minions and lackeys can stick it where the sun don't shine. I will happily go to prison in this Godforsaken land as the price for shouting the truth. So let me repeat; Israel is a criminal state. As is America, which is the ultimate terrorist state and uber-hypocrite. Israeli Mossad worked with high treason traitors in the US government to set explosives in the twin towers and building 7 on 9/11 so as to instigate the fraudulent 'War on Terror', a horrendously, purposely un-ending war that has maimed and murdered millions and counting. All for the 'full spectrum dominance'agenda that intends to enslave every survivor of this madness.

Dedicated to Brother Khader Adnan – Where 1 passes, 1000 will pick up!

Brother Khader, Like so many before you, and surely many more to come, between death with honour or life without it, you have chosen the former. Nothing but love and respect to you my brother, and to all the brothers and sisters of this world who refuse to accept the unacceptable, who resist the tyrants and their minions, who live and die with honour. There will be justice. TJP

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